2015, Date Created, May

In Memoriam: James the Petebug

On my way to work I discovered that I was not commuting alone. I had a tiny passenger with me; one who I had noticed stowed himself away several days prior. It was stinkbug. The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, or as I like to call it, a Petebug. Truth be told, I have always had… Continue reading In Memoriam: James the Petebug

2015, Date Created, May

Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived (Part 2)

(Hey gang, make sure you read Part 1 first! - Ed.) It is at this point in the series that a logical break can be made. There is a deliberate shift from the more episodic early exploits into one great, contiguous adventure. I get the sense that by the 3rd-4th book, Rowling realized that she… Continue reading Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived (Part 2)

2015, April, Date Created

Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived (Part 1)

I read Harry Potter. The boy, the narrative, the myth, all seven books (It was seven, right?). It took me several weeks of setting aside time to sit down with the students of Hogwarts – but my task is done. I absolutely refuse to do any research to verify the claim I am about to… Continue reading Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived (Part 1)