2015, Date Created, May

In Memoriam: James the Petebug

On my way to work I discovered that I was not commuting alone. I had a tiny passenger with me; one who I had noticed stowed himself away several days prior. It was stinkbug. The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, or as I like to call it, a Petebug. Truth be told, I have always had… Continue reading In Memoriam: James the Petebug

2015, Date Created, May

Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived (Part 2)

(Hey gang, make sure you read Part 1 first! - Ed.) It is at this point in the series that a logical break can be made. There is a deliberate shift from the more episodic early exploits into one great, contiguous adventure. I get the sense that by the 3rd-4th book, Rowling realized that she… Continue reading Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived (Part 2)