2018, February


It was 5:30 am when the POTUS awoke from a dreamless, hugely restful, and luxurious sleep. The White House bed, though grossly inferior to his custom-made gold-plated Victorian-era emu-stuffed mattress in Mar-a-lago, was nevertheless conducive to an excellent sleep. Generally, the president appreciated the fact that his furniture exuded power only a true master of… Continue reading Trump!

2018, March

Modern American Feminism: A Case of Mistaken Identity

So, full disclaimer I realize this is a very touchy subject. Our national social climate is a mixture of intractability, anger, frustration, and a general sense that things are shitty. At the forefront of this negativity are all the terrible things we are finding out about popular figures and their treatment of women. Collectively, we… Continue reading Modern American Feminism: A Case of Mistaken Identity