2015, April, Date Created

A Traveler’s Guide to Misanthropy

So I had the good fortune to pay a visit to the Brooklyn bazaar a couple days ago. It Is a fascinating place, full of sundry wears and exotic peoples. There were hipsters in their natural habitats, song, dance, good food, and all was merry. As in many things, there was a considerable amount of… Continue reading A Traveler’s Guide to Misanthropy

The Shadow beckons.
2015, Date Created, March

IKEA: There and Back Again

There comes a time in every man’s life when he needs a lamp. It is simply too dark a world for someone to thrive upon his inner light alone. Now, the choice of lamp is not one to be taken lightly. It should provide soft light, not too bright, preferably dimmable. The wavelength of the… Continue reading IKEA: There and Back Again

2015, Date Created, March

It’s Only Natural, Baby

In this update I would like to take things in a slightly different direction. I promise this is purely experimental. If I go to my grave only writing irreverent send-ups of pop culture, I will die a man fulfilled. That being said, I do have other interests, and one of those interests is the philosophy… Continue reading It’s Only Natural, Baby