
Check Your Mirrows: A Critical Eye For Arcade Fire’s Reflektor, Part 1

As I am sure you are aware, music is pretty cool. That is why I would like to introduce this segment where, instead of complaining about the contemporary socio-political landscape, I discuss a band, artist, or album that strikes my fancy. If there is a lot of interest, I would like to even take requests… Continue reading Check Your Mirrows: A Critical Eye For Arcade Fire’s Reflektor, Part 1

your dork, grow up.

The Rise of Contemporary Fascism

    Our society is rapidly changing – specifically, it is becoming more insular, closed-minded, polarized, deluded, and irrational. I believe we are following a path leading to an increasingly fascist society. Contrary to some, I am not of the opinion that our future President Trump is the sole embodiment of this trend; rather, the… Continue reading The Rise of Contemporary Fascism